Work With Ami
I help experts like you with knowledge to share to write a book they are proud to put their name on.
Build a Book Bootcamp
Learn a proven, repeatable process for how to structure, start, and stay on track to write a book you are proud to put your name on.
In this 90 day program, you'll learn:
- How to articulate what your book is about in a single compelling sentence that keeps you on track and makes your audience want to read more.
- How to identify exactly what your book’s contents should be, who your book will benefit, and why it is important for YOU to be the one to write it.
- Fun, easy, repeatable methods for organizing and structuring your unique content.
- How to write a short synopsis, how to use it while writing, and how to make it keep working even after your manuscript is finished.
- Painless, intuitive ways to identify what information to include in each chapter.
- How to plan a writing schedule that sets you up for success.
- BONUS: How to write a compelling Author Biography, About the Book text, and other marketing copy.
The 90 Day “Build a Book Bootcamp” features Live, One-on-One Instruction and Includes:
- 6 (45 minute) “Jump Start” Coaching Calls.
- 6 Weekly Accountability / Coaching Calls.
- “Story Structure Origami” manipulative useful for this project and every other creative project you ever undertake.
- “8 Quadrants” method for ensuring that your project stays on track and ultimately contains all the information you want it to.
- My commitment to ensuring that you understand each assignment and have the skills to complete it well.
- Unlimited email access during the Bootcamp.
What you need:
- Knowledge worth sharing. Something worth saying.
- Computer equipped with Microsoft Word (preferred) OR Google Docs.
- Reliable phone and internet connection.
- Willingness to commit for the next 90 days to developing YOUR book and making it the best it can possibly be.
At the end of the Build a Book Bootcamp, you will:
- Know why your book deserves to exist.
- Know who needs to read your book.
- Know what information you intend to include and have a plan for presenting it.
- Have at least one quarter of your first draft finished AND...
- ...Have a system in place for finishing the manuscript you have begun.
Write to The End!
Learn how writing just two pages a day will result in a book you are proud to put your name on.
This 22-week program picks up where Ami Hendrickson’s Build a Book Bootcamp leaves off. It includes everything in the Build a Book Bootcamp, PLUS:
- How to craft interesting segues that keep your readers turning pages.
- Why you’ll never suffer from Writer’s Block on this project.
- How to write to “The End,” avoiding new writer mistakes that could derail your progress.
- How to ensure your voice shines through as you polish your prose.
- How to prep your finished manuscript for a professional editor.
- BONUS: How to pull compelling excerpts from your manuscript draft and use them to generate reader interest.
- BONUS: Master class in soliciting and receiving rave reviews – and using them to attract new readers.
“Write to The End” Includes:
- Unlimited access to all coaching content from “Build a Book Bootcamp.”
- Weekly Accountability / Coaching Calls until your manuscript is drafted*.
- My commitment to ensuring that you understand each assignment and have the skills to complete it well.
- Unlimited email access until your manuscript is drafted*.
* I want to see you succeed and will remain committed to your success as long as you stay committed to completing your manuscript.
What you need:
- All the skills learned in the “Build a Book Bootcamp.”
- Willingness to commit for the next 5 months to drafting the manuscript for YOUR book and making it the best it can possibly be.
When you Write to The End, you will:
- Produce a manuscript that is ready for a professional editor AND...
- ...Create supplemental materials for marketing the finished book.